Doula Support
We have a unique, comprehensive wrap-around style of support, helping you birth joyfully, and enter parenting with confidence.
Before birth
Preparation for labor
We are here for you 24/7 from the time of hire for unlimited phone & email support before your labor.
Prenatal #1
- Getting to know each other
- Hopes & fears
- Expectations
- Values
Prenatal #2
Spend time with Katie talking about:
Birth plans
- How do you want to remember the day your baby is born?
- How do you want to feel during labor?
- Partner support
Prenatal #3
Spend time with Jen talking about:
Baby feeding – breast, chest, bottle – you name it, Jen’s on it.
- Plans for what happens when the tiny human comes home
- Practice Spinning Babies positions in prep for labor
When you’re in labor
We want to be your first call
We want to be that first call when you think labor has started! We can answer questions, provide suggestions, and help determine next steps.
What you can expect
We’ll stay in close contact during early labor and decide together when additional support is necessary.
Continuous support from the time you’re ready, in your home or place of birth.
- Creating the environment you desire for your baby’s birth
- Support choosing when, or if, you’re ready for pain medication.
What if things are complicated?
We got you! We love supporting folks with unique and complicated pregnancies. From inductions to breech, multiples to diabetes, IVF to AMA, we will be with you as you navigate the decisions needed to keep you and your baby safe and have a birth that is fulfilling and joyful.
Careful listening to your feelings about how to make this a positive experience, no matter the outcome
- Access to resources and providers for additional opinions or interventions (if needed)
After baby arrives
The support doesn’t end just because you gave birth!
Tiny humans don’t come with instructions or return receipts and keeping your new little(s) alive can feel overwhelming and daunting.
What you can expect
We want to ensure a positive start to parenting by answer questions, covering basic newborn care, finding your new normal, and figuring out what is next.
Three points of contact:
- Early feeding/lactation assessment
- Assessing early transition to parenting
- Problem solving and resource sharing
Ready to talk about support ?
We’d love to talk and see if we’re the right fit to work together.
Frequently asked questions
Do we work with all of you or just one?
You get the pleasure of working with all of us! With our unique, wraparound style of support, you’ll meet with each of us once prenatally, and once during postpartum. The three of us “share call” which means when you’re in labor, you’ll get whichever of us is on call!
So, backup?
The good news with our model, is that you are virtually guaranteed to know the doula who will be at your labor. Of course, sometimes the sky falls and we may need a more traditional “back-up” for your labor. We have an outstanding group of doulas that we collaborate with and utilize for back-up, in the very rare circumstance it’s needed.
What if I need a planned cesarean?
Great question, and we got you covered. If you need a planned cesarean, the support stays the same. We’ll be with you every step of the way to process and support any feelings you might have and help you get any questions answered. Then on your baby’s birthday, we’ll meet you at the hospital at your check-in time, stay with you during pre-op, answering questions, keeping you comfortable, and calming any nerves with our irreverent humor. In many of our area hospitals, doulas are allowed to accompany you into the operating room. If this is the case, we’ll join you during your baby’s birth! We’re there explain what’s happening, help with sensations you’re feeling, calm nerves, and to take pictures (if desired). In many cases, we can help facilitate skin-to-skin right in the OR! After your baby is born, we’ll stay with you during recovery and bonding time, help with early feeding, and making sure you’re comfortable and getting settled.
What if I'm planning to get an epidural?
Cool, let’s do it.
What if I don't want pain medication?
Cool, let’s do it.
What if I don't know what I want for pain?
Cool, let’s do it! No, but seriously though, we love any plans for pain management, including not knowing! We’ll help you wrap your head around the kind of experience you want to have, and then use that as our guide for making choices about pain management and interventions. We have far more control about the experience than we do clinical outcomes.
Our fee is $3,300, invoiced in three installments with full payment due by 36 weeks.